Monday, November 23, 2009

New England Patriots Win!!!

Our first win of the weekend! The Patriots beat the Jets 31-14 at Gillette Stadium. What a day! Firstly we tailgated in the parking lots about 4 hrs before the game started - the kids couldn't believe that there were hundreds of cars, trucks and mini vans there with grills, BBQ's, seats and even a few trucks with generators so that they could hook up their 40 inch plasma'a to the back of the truck and watch the early NFL game! Unbelievable! It's a tradition that all of the kids want to see started back home in the UK.

If the fact that we tailagted like true Americans before watching the Patriots dominate the Jets wasn't good enough, the kids had an unexpected surprise waiting for them. As we arrived back at the hotel, they literally bumped into another school trip from a school in Florida, only this trip was the exact opposite - 16 and 17yr old girls with "cute accents"! The kids couldn't believe it as they were invited by the girls and their teachers for a drink in their hotel bar (the W Bar, apparently one of Boston's hotest bars!) They had photos with each other, swapped email & facebook addresses and generally chatted like mature young adults until the girls had to go.

Only one more day to go now. A walk around Harvard campus beckons in the morning followed by a last ditch attempt to get rid of all our dollars in downtown Boston.

See you all on Tuesday, JT.


Blogger Sam's Dad said...

What a fantastic trip!! The organisation looks to have been incredible - well done JT and Danny K!!
The boys look as though they have had the time of their lives and I'm sure none of you want to come back to Co Durham but we are all looking forward to seeing you and can't wait for our presents - no coming home via Florida either!!
Have a safe journey and we will see you tomorrow afternoon when you can tell us all your stories...........Take Care
Paul and Alison

7:43 AM  

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