Friday, November 20, 2009

BC Experience

Having had a night to sleep on our experience yesterday, I still can't believe how amazing our day was. We got the opportunity of a lifetime to tour the whole facilities and actually play a game on the turf in the stadium. I thought I'd add a video of us having the time of our life in the stadium.

Today we have got a packed day. Firstly after breakfast we are going for a tour of Boston Red Sox's Fenway Park Baseball stadium, followed by a tour of Harvard this afternoon, before going to watch of first game of the trip tonight - Boston Celtics v Orlando Magic basketball. Wow!


Blogger Alison Jarps said...

Glad to see you are all having such a fantastic time !!
You dont appear to be jet lagged at all !!
Weather looks great, enjoy the game tonight !

Alison & Anna

2:01 PM  
Blogger Seth Snr said...

Sounds like you are all having a great time out there, I wish it was me! Enjoying following your days on this blog keep posting pictures and stories, its better than watching x-factor and corrie. Take care all.

Seth's Dad.

8:01 PM  

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